- Severity: WARNING
- Protection against: Human Error
- FIX Available: YES
This Customer Check verifies if guests in the Microsoft environment are allowed to share files with other externals.
Why this check?
In a Microsoft environment, it is easy to add guest users. This allows files to be shared with, for example, suppliers or customers. Guests are essentially not employees of the organization. It is unwise to allow guests to also give other guests access to data, as this can lead to uncontrolled exposure of company data to unauthorized individuals.
What are the possible outcomes of the check?
There are two options: the functionality is either enabled or not. In Attic, this is reflected as follows:
- Okay: Resharing by guests is OFF
- Warning: Resharing by guests is ON
How should this be followed up?
If the check results in an output of Warning, we advise disabling Resharing by guests.
A Fix is available for this check, which we will offer through Attic.
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